The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

A few of my clients are attorneys and struggling with a big decision…to keep or ditch FindLaw.  They have a decent website through FindLaw, traffic is good, but the cost is exorbitant – $2,000 – $4,000 a month, yes…per month.  Just to have...
The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

Finding Great Social Partners

If you are a small business owner or personality attempting to position yourself and your business on social media sites, you are going to need  help.  Putting together a group of strong partners can add tremendous benefit to your social media efforts. What is a...
The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

Using “Don’t Break the Chain” in Social Media

As a business owner I know you have asked yourself “how can I manage my social media.”  You are overwhelmed with the sales calls and emails from companies playing on your feeling of overwhelm.  They want you to think establishing a digital presence is too...
The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

How to Publish On LinkedIn

I often field phone calls from potential clients that start out “I want to get into Huffington Post, how did you do it?”  And my answer is always the same, “I started writing a purely authentic blog, NJ Divorce Mom.”  I wrote often with no...
The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

Brand Where You are Planted

I remember the moment as if it was yesterday. I had just started a job as a marketing director for a small law firm in Central Jersey and needed some help understanding social media and SEO. My journey led me to the door of Marcus Padulchick of Source Excellence...
The Benefits of WordPress for Attorneys

What is About Me?

You may have just read in the news that About Me.  The website recently grabbed headlines as owners raised $11million dollars to build out their services and features.  So what is About me all about? gives users the ability to set-up a simple profile and...