I often field phone calls from potential clients that start out “I want to get into Huffington Post, how did you do it?”  And my answer is always the same, “I started writing a purely authentic blog, NJ Divorce Mom.”  I wrote often with no intention of landing in Huff Po.    As is my life, my writing on this blog is a bit crazy, from the heart, and written with a passion to help others.  It helps that I find myself to be as hysterical as my life is ridiculous.  My clients,  who want the featured guest blogging spots in major online publications, are not blogging regularly and have yet to start using all available resources to them.  So we walk through a process of setting up a blog (in WordPress of course), an editorial calendar and I show them easy steps to promote their writing on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.

If setting-up and maintaining a regular blog seems like a daunting task, I highly recommend taking advantage of the the offer from LinkedIn to write Long-Form Posts.  This is part of the LinkedIn publishing platform available to all users.  Once you have a LinkedIn account publishing is quite simple.  Click on the home button and at the top of the page you will see the regular box to post a comment, article, or link.  In that box, click on the pencil and voila!  You are now writing a post on LinkedIn.

Why should you publish on LinkedIn?  Even if you have a regular blog on your website, the ability to publish on LinkedIn is a golden opportunity.  Your content becomes part of your profile for your visitors to read, each member of your network receives a notification of your new post so the reach can be extensive, and you can really demonstrate your expertise in a your profession.    But be careful with your writing.  This is LinkedIn afterall, and your content should be professional directly and related to your core business areas.   As with any blogging platform your goal is to relate to a current problem your connections have and then explain how you can help. You need to be clever, funny, and remain professional at the same time.  I love to brainstorm blog ideas with clients so

Most importantly – No Duplicate Content!  The big eyes of Google are always watching what we write on the internet.  Since we know Google indexes Linkedin profiles, it stands to reason they are looking at

And, as I always recommend, follow LinkedIn Best Practices for these Long-Form Posts.  If you are going to put in the effort make it your best!

Connect with me on LinkedIn and get my weekly Social Media Challenge!  Click her to see my profile.