by DrJenniferGardella | May 2, 2019 | Business, Hot Mess to Great Success
You know you need to create more videos for your business. A well positioned YouTube channel with a strategy to scale, videos just for IGTV and LinkedIn, live videos on Twitter and Facebook. It all makes your head spin. My buddy MFB has embraced the challenge with...
by JGardella | Dec 5, 2018 | Social Media
While tweets are quick, Facebook posts are necessary, and LinkedIn can be great to make new connections, they are all a bit lacking. Don’t get me wrong – posting is great, but they do not help your clients put a face or personality to your small business....
by jlg | Jan 9, 2018 | Pinterest, Social Media
Pinterest is a social media site that allows you to connect with potential clients in a very different way – through interests and ideas. Based on the love of curating and saving content, Pinterest allows you to organize blogs, recipes, articles and pictures in...