How do you share a blog on social media?  YouTube?  Many business owners and attorneys ask me “Ok, I blogged, now what do I do with it?”  While the SEO benefits of blogging are tremendous for your website alone, you can maximize the effort you spent on writing that blog by sharing it on social media.

How to Post the Blog

Did you blog correctly? Let’s take a step back and first make sure you maximized the blog on your website. Every time you blog you want to make sure that your title and opening paragraph have a focus keyword (or phrase) that your ideal client is regularly searching on. Next, you want a great image and to make sure that you selected the right tags and categories.

Create a YouTube Video

Up next would be to create a 5-minute YouTube video on the blog. Record it, write out a description, upload it to YouTube with a great thumbnail (which can also be your featured image on your blog if the sizing matches), and put it into a playlist. Take the next step and embed the video into the blog post on your website.

How to share a blog on Social Media

Let’s first address what I call the “core four” social media platforms for ANY business. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google My Business. You should write these posts all at once so you aren’t reinventing the wheel each time. You will need one great image created for the core four or you can rely on the featured image on the blog to do this for you. Be careful, sometimes these images do not display correctly.
Twitter is 140-280 characters with two great hashtags.
Facebook and LinkedIn can be similar if not the same and a paragraph of great information on the blog. Google My Business should also include the image but the writing should be SEO driven and appropriately include your hashtags.


I pull Instagram out separately since it is uniquely different than the rest. First, the image requirements are different. Your post should be about two full paragraphs and then include at least 10 hashtags. You cannot link to your blog post so here you also have to have a LinkTree in place in your bio to handle the traffic.
And let’s not forget you have a bevy of other tasks to maximize your effort on Instagram. Share your original post in your story and then also record a quick video for your story. You can create a quick reel and then share that to your story once it is posted. Don’t forget to put anything from your story in the appropriate highlight. You can also go live with a video about the topic.


If TikTok is appropriate for your business, I highly recommend creating three TikTok videos to be posted each highlighting a different point of the blog. Don’t forget to include important hashtags with your post.


One last one! If you really want to get some bang out of your effort go the extra mile and post on Pinterest. There is a different image size needed and about a paragraph of information. Pinterest is largely SEO driven so do not forget those keywords. Don’t use Hashtags here – they will look spammy.

Schedule what you can!  Pick a really good scheduling tool (ask me which one I use) so that you can get all this posted in a timely manner. You’ll need to post Google My Business by hand – you can ask me how I do that as well!

Exhausted yet? I know, it is a TON of work.  But if you are asking “how to share a blog” I suggest you start small with one or two tasks but quickly scale your effort. Really, if you are just posting to your blog you are missing out on a valuable opportunity to use the content for multiple purposes…and reach your ideal clients.