by jlg | Jun 10, 2014 | Getting Started, Social Media
Yesterday I sat with a new client who was looking for advice positioning his small business on the internet. He had a list of questions to move through starting with Yelp, his website host and WordPress, and then some details on Google+. The list was typical of many...
by jlg | Mar 7, 2014 | Social Media
Within a few short months of launching my service, Your Social Media Hour I realized the site was getting a bit crowded. I received some feedback that I needed more space to explain the system and membership levels. My consulting articles and speaking engagements...
by jlg | Feb 18, 2014 | Pinterest, Social Media
You may have heard of Pinterest, an online social media platform for “collecting and organizing the things you love.” For those of us who like to cut out pictures in magazines and save those ideas on bulletin boards, Pinterest takes them out of your boxes...