Within a few short months of launching my service, Your Social Media Hour I realized the site was getting a bit crowded.  I received some feedback that  I needed more space to explain the system and membership levels.  My consulting articles and speaking engagements were piled in neat sections, but they didn’t really relate to the core service.  After much thought, I realized it was time to launch a separate site, the one which I write on today.

Planning, building and then launching a website is a rather large undertaking.  You need focus, direction, and a very very clear plan.  If you are like me you want to be involved in the process making adjustments along the way.  Finding the right team to work with can be a challenge especially if you have a very clear vision.  Your Social Media Hour was built for me in WordPress, and the end result of that process is a site I now manage on my own.  I’ve downloaded plug-ins, added content and even moved around menus. I had learned just enough to believe that constructing a site myself was possible.

With a fierce do-it-myself mentality in tact, I set out to see if it was possible knowing that at any time I may “pull the curtain” ( as my Navy buddies say), and run to an expert.  However, after a bit of reading, lots of emails with the folks at wp-engine, and purchasing a template, I was in fact building my own website.  Some things went incredibly like widgets, and plug-ins.  There was the day I learned how to code a horizontal line, all by myself…amazing.  I encountered a few problems that the boys at Royce Brook fixed for me in a jiffy.

Creating an online presence for your business ideally includes a website, internal blog, and a strategic social media plan.  Small business owners usually get overwhelmed with the process getting bogged down in details, long lists of decisions, and costs.  Sometimes they are convinced they have to spend money having others build and manage parts.  The truth is, you do not.  While you should absolutely call in experts for consultation, most parts of the process can be managed internally by you or a member of your staff.

I started my business to help you, the small business owner, position your operation on social media.  And I practice what I preach doing just about all of it myself.   If you need daily support, individual help with strategy, or instruction for your networking group please reach out to me.  I provide the assistance you need and work within your budget so you can quickly realize success.