by Jennifer Gardella | Apr 4, 2021 | Getting to Me
As I wake up this Easter, April 4, 2021, I sit in wonder of my life. Part, “how did this happen,” and part “this is amazing.” For those who do not know, on this day, one year ago, I left a marriage that was not working – a blended...
by Jennifer Gardella | Dec 1, 2020 | Getting to Me, Relationships
Finding Love…. I have done the work…danced with the demons…been brought to my knees for days on end as I allowed myself to feel emotional pain. I have rebuilt my friendships, my relationships with my children, my business and the inner workings of...
by Jennifer Gardella | Nov 6, 2020 | Getting to Me
Ask and It is given Knock and the door will be opened And have the faith of a mustard seed When you go through a difficult situation, where you might not see a clear path, call in those phrases and passages from the scripture that mean the most to you. For me, in my...
by Jennifer Gardella | Feb 1, 2020 | Getting to Me
So, it seems to me that in today’s day and age, people have absolutely no problem expressing themselves when they are sitting behind the safety of their computer. They somehow feel as if they have the right to mouth off without any responsibility to the people...
by Jennifer Gardella | Dec 2, 2019 | Hot Mess to Great Success
Whenever I have an less than stellar experience with a particular company, I always feel obligated to let the manager/owner know. And since John’s (my ex-husband), there have been many times where I have been stuck as the “only parent available” and...