Every business owner seems to invest significant time in their Facebook presence and attorneys are no exception. After all, this is where you are comfortable – you have a personal social media profile – and it is probably the first one you ever set-up. 

  1. Facebook should not be your only active social media platform.
    Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter can all work alongside each other for your business to make sure you are reaching the most potential clients and customers.  Each holds a different kind of user so by having an account for each you are reaching a larger audience than the one that can find you on Facebook.  
  2. Post interesting content
    Don’t post just to post and do not only post content from your website.  Sure, you should highlight your blog and post articles to your Facebook page.  But make sure you also post news from non-competitor websites that is related to the pain points of your ideal clients.  Be seen as the go-to person who has his/her finger on the pulse of the industry.  
  3. Include your contact information
    Have you ever looked on someone’s professional Facebook page for their email address only to find out it is missing?  Make sure visitors to your page, and all social media profiles can easily find you when they want more information.  Highlight your website, email address and phone number.  
  4. Use professional head shots
    You should highlight your team in your Facebook cover photo so others can place a face with a name when they call.  You can also highlight them on the page when they write a blog post or want to highlight details of a big case they just won.  However, a selfie with an iPhone will not cut it in their bio.  Spending the money on professional head shots will show the seriousness of your business and that you are ready to assist your clients confidently.  
  5. Really think about the “about sections” of your Page
    There are many little micro sections of your firm Facebook page that should be well thought out and written.  They should not be copied from bios or information on other pages but uniquely written to reach your users.  Remember, Facebook is a personal experience and you should speak to the issues you can help them solve.

A Facebook business page is a must for any law firm.

When set-up correctly it can rank in search for when your ideal clients are looking for you.

Not sure how to get started or want to start pushing out your Facebook page in a strategic and significant way?  Book a call today with Jen and she can help you sort out all of your question.