Scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or Buzzfeed tends to feel like a bombardment of information and click bait.  One person does not have the time to read every article and view every image in one sitting. It would be convenient to stick all those articles and links we find interesting in one spot until we are ready to read them all- enter Pocket.

And luckily a spot like this can exist right on your iPhone, Android, iPad or computer. Pocket, created in 2007, is an app that saves content to be viewed later all in one spot.  With a super clean and user-friendly design, the app has over 17 million users for a reason. Articles can be read even when you’re offline and the app can be linked to thousands of other apps.  You can search for articles within the app, and Pocket will sync across all your devices.

Easy to install and even easier to use the app helps simplify and organize your online experience.

Getting Started Setting up and beginning to use Pocket is relatively simple and requires only a few steps.

  1. Download the app from the App Store on your iPhone or whichever app store your Android uses.
  2. Create a new account. You are able to sign up using Google+ or your email.
  3. Explore the app. When you first download it, it will go over all the features and how they work. Clicking through each section will help orient you with its features.
  4. Start Pocketing articles, videos, images, anything you want to look at later in the day, week, month, or whenever you might get around to it.
  • Tip: You can Pocket in few ways (don’t worry the app guides you through each method step by step):
    • Enabling it on your phone’s browser
    • Sending a link via email
    • Copying and pasting a link directly in the app
    • Saving articles directly from other apps like Twitter

I Put That in My Pocket

Once you have your Pocket set up and ready to go, it’s time to fill it up. Pocket is a personal application and doesn’t involve others viewing your content, what you put in your Pocket is solely for your use. Therefore, this might be the place where you compile articles relating to your small business and it’s industry. Pocket holds items permanently, so if you ever need to refer to an infograph in a specific article, it’s right there in your Pocket.  Or it could also be where you save all the articles you find about scuba diving just because you think they’re interesting. It’s all about how you wish to use it.