Every small business owner knows they need to create high quality content.  This can include social media posts, LinkedIn long posts, blog post for your websites, videos,  and slide presentations just to name a few.  When budget allows, you may think the best course of action is to hire a company to do this – in fact, I do this for my clients.  You may find your way to an SEO expert who claims they are going to do this for you.

I recently found an SEO expert who regularly posts to Slideshare.  The backlinks from Slideshare are great for SEO, so this is a good strategy.  But, all she does is take pictures of blog posts (in pdf form), creates a few slides in PowerPoint of those pictures, and then uploads that to Slideshare.

Now, Slideshare was created as a way to share presentations – and you can not present from a three slide presentation of a blog post.  So, this my friends is complete spam.  If a potential customer finds this content they are going to view it as shotty and move on to look for another provider.

Creating valuable content does take a bit longer, but it is better for your image if you are putting out high quality.

Here is the magic three step formula:

  1.  Create a 300-350 word blog post (hint:  you should have an editorial calendar planned out).
  2. Create a 90 second video – upload to YouTube.  Do not read the blog post verbatim – just talk about how the information helps your target market.
  3. Create a 5-10 slide PowerPoint presentation – upload to Slideshare.net
  4. Embed the video and the slideshare presentation into your blog post.

You now have three pieces of high quality content.  They are well connected to one another and sit on different sites bringing valuable and credible backlinks to your website. They showcase your expertise and how you can help a potential client solve an issue.

If you havea  well thought-out plan and editorial calendar, this process will take you about an hour once you learn the technology.

As you can see from this post – I have done exactly this.  Wrote a blog post giving you valuable content.  Created a video that is on Youtube, and create a SlideShare presentation with the information.  No spam and I am helping those who take the time to visit my page.

This is the SlideShare presentation embedded in the blog.  Note, you can embed a video at the beginning of your presentation!


Link to Jen’s Slideshare.

Link to Jen’s Youtube