The personal blog of Dr. Jennifer Gardella

Domestic Violence Awarness

Surviving, Healing and Thriving

Faith from a Non-Bible Thumping Bible Reader

Faith from a Non-Bible Thumping Bible Reader

Ask and It is given Knock and the door will be opened And have the faith of a mustard seed When you go through a difficult situation, where you might not see a clear path, call in those phrases and passages from the scripture that mean the most to you.  For me, in my...

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My Morning Routine

My Morning Routine

As coronavirus carries on so many people are looking to instill some normalcy into their day craving a morning routine..  The internet is abuzz with writing and social posting by others asking for and giving guidance.  As many know, my life was upended during this...

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Keyboard Warriors

Keyboard Warriors

So,  it seems to me that in today's day and age, people have absolutely no problem expressing themselves when they are sitting behind the safety of their computer. They somehow feel as if they have the right to mouth off without any responsibility to the people that...

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