As coronavirus carries on so many people are looking to instill some normalcy into their day craving a morning routine..  The internet is abuzz with writing and social posting by others asking for and giving guidance.  As many know, my life was upended during this pandemic and actually, the turnover afforded me the opportunity to get quiet, go inside, and listen to the whispers I had been previously ignoring.  And early on in that process, I was able to hear my soul screaming “WE NEED A ROUTINE!”  I quickly realized that while I had in fact been ignoring that cry for quite some time.

What does your morning routine look like?

Since I spent most of Apri in Pittsburgh, it was easy to make changes to my routine and schedule. And the more I added to the plan the more I benefited.  As I now sit here in November, my routine is a fine-tuned machine that runs itself the minute my feet hit the floor.

  1. Wake Up at 6:15.  I may or may not hit snooze several times.
  2. Walk downstairs while brushing teeth – turn on the coffee pot (this is not multi-tasking – this because as soon as I get out of bed I must brush my teeth but also I want coffee as soon as humanly possible).
  3. Light candles
  4. Go back up and change into work out clothes – back downstairs coffee is now ready (Gotham is now safe) – candles are blazing and clearing energy.
  5. Affirmations and gratitude journal.
  6. Write!  Morning Pages – this is when your soul gets to talk to you.  Get the muck out of your head.  This is usually now a back and forth process with the book I am writing.  In those pages I have found me again – the unbridled
  7. Tap and or meditate
  8. Review my day ahead.
  9. Work out for 30 minutes.  A few of you who know me well just did a doubletake – yes, you read that right – I work out twice a day and once in the morning.
  10. Review my day ahead.

This process – the ritual – has brought a lightness and peace to my day that my soul was craving.  It has all brought healing during my time of strife, opened up lines of thinking and helped me in a planful way reaffirm my commitment to the life I am building.

Now as if my crazy COVID19 story wasn’t enough…the fact that I now workout every day early is a pandemic miracle itself.