In my never ending quest to get business owners to plan, I have committed to sharing information that will inspire you to look forward by creating an editorial calendar.  Since it is mid-January it is a great time to take a few minutes and look ahead to February.

If you are here asking Google “what should I blog about” here are some great ideas.

Now, if you just watched this and still have no idea what to do, here are some specific ideas:

  1.  And the Award goes to….blog about a staff member going above and beyond for a client.  Talk about the very specific problem they solved.
    1. Naturally drop in keywords and the location of your business
  2. Fall in Love with…talk about one small part of your business…
    1. Healing after a divorce (divorce attorneys)
    2. Your body and exercise (trainers)
    3. Straightening up your home (cleaning service, professional organizer)
    4. You yard (landscapers, tree removal)
    5. Getting your home ready for sale (realtors)
  3. Surviving Winter
    1. Five things to do to beat the winter blues (therapist)
    2. Get organized for tax season (accountants)
  4. Groundhogs Day
    1. How your business helps break a cycle
    2. What did the groundhog say?
    3. Prediction or direction – you decide your fate

I have a million more ideas that I would love to share with you and your team.  Book a call with me today so we can brainstorm specifically for your business and get you moving forward with a social media and blogging strategy!