One of my goals for 2020 is to help small business owners get out of digital overwhelm.  Many grew up with the phone attached to the kitchen wall and they have no interest in learning SEO, blogging and social media.  I have been reaching out to podcast hosts and other digital spaces to see if they can help me spread the word.  Through my outreach process I was invited to participate in a Twitter Chat.  It is a concept that should be expanded.  If you are invited to a Twitter Chat here are the details of my experience and some tips to help you plan to participate.


Fridays at noon (et) hosted by Bernie Fessenegger

@B2the7 on Twitter. 

Connect with Bernie here on LinkedIn




What is a Twitter Chat? 

A Twitter Chat is simply a discussion on Twitter revolving around a specific hashtag.  Typically there is a topic with a specific hashtag that to follow, and are usually time bound by a moderator who has a specific number of questions. 

How I Prepared for a Twitter Chat

I was sent the questions well in advance and had typed out answers on a Google Drive Doc.   I paid close attention to the guidelines including answer word count and hashtags that need to be included. 

I also went through the last few chats and noticed that Troy Sandidge had created video answers when he was featured. I asked him if I could copy the idea and was thrilled he agreed!  I recorded the videos (each under 140 seconds) on my phone. 


How did it go?

It was an amazing experience connecting with interesting people, offering tips on digital marketing and building a business. 

The videos took some extra time to load which was frustrating.  Also, I did not name them on my iPhone and that would have helped with organization. 

I also tried to do too much – post each answer and keep up with questions and comments as they came in. I really needed an extra screen in front of me (and an extra set of hands) to better keep track of everything. 

What would I do differently? 

I would defintely have enlisted the help of a friend to simply post my responses and videos after Bernie posted each question.  That way I could focus on authentically engaging as questions came in. 


Check out the entire Twitter chat! 


After the Twitter Chat was over I had 7 videos that were chock full of great content.  I opened Canva, created 7 YouTube thumbnails, uploaded the videos and wrote brief descriptions and then put them into a playlist I named “Twitter Chat.”  I then embedded them below in this blog post.   More visability for the Twitter Chat! 


Question #1:
Jennifer shares that she is a blogging and social media consultant.  Learn how she got her start back in 2011 when she helped a friend build back the digital presence for his law firm using SEO, blogging and social media.  It isn’t easy to win the top spot on the first page of Google search but she did it!   

Question #2
Learn how Jen’s PhD in Educational Psychology and Statistics helps her every day with digital marketing, SEO, Blogging and Social Media.

Question #3
Young Adults today suffer from Special Snowflake Syndrome.  They have been coddled by helicopter parents who never let them fail and blame everyone else when anything goes wrong.  Kids need to be taught responsibility, work ethic, how to ask for help and how to apologize. 

Question #4
My ideal client isn’t in a category but rather a state of mind.  They believe a strategic digital foundation is important and do not want to have a short-term tie to ROI.  They know it needs to build.

Question #5
I have shown my daughters that they should follow their passion and help others.  I built the plane while flying it – all I wanted to do was help small business owners with #seo #blogging and #socialmedia. 

Question #6
Build the plane while flying it – but have a plan.  Implement EOS, immediately. Always be learning in a coaching or accountability group of like-minded individuals.   Focus on real connections and not vanity metrics.

Twitter @drjennylynn
Facebook:  The Gardella Group
Instagram:  @drjennylynn
The Hot Mess to Great Success podcast:
Personal blog: