Video marketing can revolutionize your business and help it reach audiences across the globe. A simple app like Snapchat can put your brand in front of 150 million viewers.

Exposure like that is invaluable at the least. 

Check out these five benefits of video marketing that may take your business to the next level.

1. Go Viral

Using platforms like YouTube, Snapchat, and Facebook Live to create good marketing content might start a viral sensation for you.

A little bit of creativity and help from active users or fans on social media can turn your brand into a household name. 

It’s important to make sure that any videos you distribute meet any community standards and laws that may apply. No one wants to be shut down after one video.

2. SEO Benefits of Video Marketing

Creating videos and posting them on your website or social media accounts will vastly improve your SEO (search engine optimization). 

You want visitors to come to your site and stay as long as possible. The longer a visitor stays the more it helps your rank on search engine results. 

The best way to get someone to stay longer than a few seconds is to have excellent video marketing. The video should capture the attention of the visitor that will make them want to return.

3. Networking 

A great marketing message done through high-quality video production can reach the right people for a number of reasons. 

Your sphere of influence grows every time someone views or shares a marketing video. Don’t be afraid to integrate videos with all your business’ social media accounts.

Let friends know they can help by showing your videos to the right people.

Some senior executives may watch your videos and decide they need to connect with you to collaborate on a project. Video made literally attract new contracts.

4. Influence Buying 

Videos are more instrumental in purchasing products than ever before with over 90% of shoppers saying it influences their decisions.

In-depth review and demonstration videos provide a detailed look at an item being used. 

A video will help a consumer understand what they are buying before making the decision. Provide a compelling marketing video that’s clever, entertaining, and informative and your sales will improve.

5. Brand Recognition

Consistently create marketing videos and improve your brand awareness. The more people see your high-quality marketing videos, the more familiar and trusted you’ll become.

Your brand should be strong and distinct so that people can recognize your content without seeing your name or logo.

What is your content telling the community about your brand? Are you an easy-going person? Do you employ a strictly corporate atmosphere? 

Figure out what brand message you want to send in your marketing videos. 

Lights, Camera, Action

There’s no need to spend huge budgets on production. Make sure you have good lighting and sound, but more importantly great content.

Now is the time to start utilizing the benefits of video marketing and capturing the right audiences for your organization.

If you want to learn more about how to take your small business to the world of social media, schedule a call today.