Are you wondering how to increase blog traffic on your website?

If so, you aren’t alone! There are more than 440 million blog posts on the internet — a number that’s expected to grow moving forward.

Needless to say, the sheer number of blog posts on the web can make it hard to stand out from the competition. It’s important that besides offering unique content, you find ways to direct people to your blog instead of others.

Read on to learn three strategies for how to get your blog noticed!

1. Leverage the Popularity of Social Media

There’s no denying that your blog will benefit from being advertised through social media platforms.

Did you know there are an estimated 2.65 billion people on social media worldwide?  Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, allow you to reach a large number of people easily.

By sharing links to your blog content on your social media profiles, these can drive traffic to your website. Beyond generating visitors, these platforms also allow readers to comment on your blog posts and share them with their friends and family!

2. Create Evergreen Content

Writing evergreen content on your blog can be an effective way to drive people to your blog and increase your readership.

What is ‘evergreen content’? Simply put, it’s content that will withstand the test of time. For example, a blog post on “The Best Social Media Platforms of 2020” will be most relevant to readers in that year. However, “The Best Social Media Platforms of All-Time” is a topic that people will read in the year 2020 and beyond.

Evergreen content is a way for you to write about a particular topic that might be overlooked by the competition, which will make your website different.

3. Focus on SEO

Besides writing useful and well-written content, search engine optimization (SEO) is arguably the most important aspect of your blog.

SEO is a form of digital marketing with its focus on helping your website rank higher in search engine results online. Where you rank in these search results can be the difference between receiving traffic or being overlooked.

An astounding 75 percent of internet users never scroll past the first page of a search engine’s results. By optimizing your blog posts to rank higher in search results, you increase the chances that an internet user will find your page!

Now You Know How to Get Your Blog Noticed!

When asking about how to get your blog noticed, you must keep in mind that there’s lots of competition on the internet.

By focusing on a niche topic and writing to your target audience, you can begin to develop an audience for your work. Beyond writing good content, SEO and social media are valuable tools to help others take note of your blog.

Dr. Jennifer Gardella is Your Social Media Expert with years of experience helping small business owners drive traffic to their websites!

Contact her today to learn more about her services and how she can help you grow your business online!