As I have stated before, I love the CBS Morning Show.  Each week they offer a few off-beat stories of people, places and happenings that I would never hear about any other way.  As you know, I think the calendar, which usually appears at the end of the show (and is sometimes only available online), gives a plethora of great blogging topics for you, as a small business owner or blogger, to use to fill your weekly editorial calendar.  Here is the list for this week with ideas on how to related it to your business:

Monday:  Minnie Mouse is set to get her own start on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – 40 years after Micky received his.  You can write about your own walk of fame for your profession, a shout out to your sidekick, something about mice, mascots, or Disney.

Tuesday:  Nominations for the 90th Academy Awards – award shows, a “best of” for your profession or office – you can take any of the movies nominated (now or previously) and relate the title of the content to your business.  You can comment on how you would style the actors and actresses, talk about red carpets, or speeches the stars need to put together.

Wednesday:  Leaders Start gathering for the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.  Here you can discuss the importance, what has been achieved in the past, who is coming…or just the concept of “being Switzerland.”

Thursday:  NASA will be unveiling its new Orion Space Craft.  Blog ideas in this area include the space program, space travel, innovation, technology, the unknown, a previous mission, or the upcoming mission with this new craft.

Friday:  Ellen DeGernus turns 60. Shut the front door.  First, Ellen looks amazing- and that is just a blog post in itself.  You can talk about humor, the doors she has broken down, or some of the great things she has done for others.

Saturday:  International Holocaust Remembrance Day This is the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and should be included in any writing with great respect.  It is the day when the 6 million Jewish victims are remembered.  If it relates directly to your business or your beliefs then go for it.

Most of the time, a business owner just needs a idea or small inspiration to build their blog.  You may decide not to write about any of these or can commit to writing a blog every day with each of these ideas.

Stuck and need more?  Book a call with me and I’m happy to review all of your questions and brainstorm on great ideas to get you moving forward!