Most small business owners struggle with blog ideas.  They sit down to write something and get frustrated because they aren’t sure where to start, how to use keywords, and are frustrated that they miss holidays and events.  Since they don’t have an editorial calendar it all becomes overwhelming.

Every Sunday morning my husband and I sit down to watch the CBS Sunday morning show.  It is a quirky 1 & 1/2 hours of commentary, stories and beautiful photography. One of my favorite segments is the calendar of upcoming events which airs at the end of the show if they have time.  Every week as I watch it, I often think that each event or holiday would make an interesting blog topic for any small business owner.  And today I decided to take some of those topics and write them out for you to use.   I’ve also included some ideas on how you can use each topic to relate them to your own business.

Monday:  83rd birthday  of Elvis
Pick a song and use the words as they relate to your business; talk about “the King.” You can discuss his eating habits, divorces, legacy, strange disappearance, or the value of his estate.

Tuesday:  Newseum summit on Gender
This caught my attention because I love the Newseum and, given the recent news, I am excited this event will be a “high-level gathering of invited leaders across journalism and the media industry that will focus on sexual misconduct in newsrooms and how to create meaningful and sustainable change.”

Wednesday:  The potato expo in Orlando
Here you can talk about Mickey Mouse, Disney, vacations, conferences, starches, potatoes, warm weather, root vegetable, health, french fries, vegetables, Idaho, farming..and creatively tie it to your business.

Thursday:  Critics Choice Awards will air with Olivia Mudd – one of the first during “award show season.”  Awards can be brought into any business as well – think categories, best supporting, starring role, nominations, movies, writers, fashion.

Friday:  POTUS will have his physical at Walter Reed Medical Center – while politics is a topic to avoid like the plague, I would recommend talking about “check-ups” for whatever it is that you do.

Saturday:  NFL kicks off the playoffs as the teams march to the Superbowl.  Mentioning kick-offs, starting, beginning, brackets, ordering food, having a party, take time for yourself if you are not watching the game…the list here is endless.

And, since I’ve got your attention, don’t forget to start planning out future blog posts.  Relating your business to these upcoming topics will help you create interesting and timely content as well as give you ideas so writing doesn’t seem like such a chore:  Valentines Day, the Superbowl, Academy Awards, an Groundhog’s Day – all good topics.

Not sure what to write about?  Need help relating these to your business?

Not even sure how  to get start blogging?

Book a call with me and we can walk through your biggest questions.