Summer is a great time to reach your potential customers and clients on social media.  Everywhere you look individuals are on their phone – and even on vacation they want to connect and add value to their lives.  If you have a coordinated plan to provide them with what they need you will be able to showcase your expertise – and drive traffic to your website.  What should be included in your summer plan?

  1. First, you want an editorial calendar for the next few weeks that take into account the time of year, seasons, special holidays and other themes.  Need more information on setting up a calendar and a plan?  Watch this YouTube video for more information on setting up your editorial calendar.
  2. Account set-up:  Determine where your potential customers and clients are hanging out and then set-up accounts for your business.  You need a great profile picture and well-written bios.  Your entire digital presence should be coordinated and that includes your social media accounts.  Which accounts shoudl you concentrate on?  LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ should be your top choices with Instgram and Pinterest considered if they are appropriate for your business.
  3. Think about what you customers and clients need from you, and then work your content (including blogs and social media posts around summer themes and your expertise.  For instance, a free consultation, discount or other special might be appropriate.  You want to make sure to have basic “how-to” info in your blog to ensure you rank on certain search terms.
  4. Gear your summer content around the themes of summer, how they relate to your business, and most importantly what your customers and clients need from you.  For instance “How to survive your first summer as a single parent,” “Cleaning your home from summer fun.”
  5. Set goals – always set a small social media goal for yourself.  It could be as simple as “post one blog a week” or “set-up a LinkedIn account.”  No matter how big or small setting the goal makes it a bit more achievable.

Summer is upon us and you do not want to miss this opporunity to connect with your customers and clients.  If you need any help or have a question, please feel free to reach out to me!