Ahhhh January…that time of year when fitness centers are abuzz with new memberships and hope springs eternal for many to lose weight, get fit, and get many aspects of their lives in order.  For small business owners, goals abound with a sound structure to generate more income with a sound marketing plan…including building a bigger social media footprint.  However, you are never going to meet that goal if you do not have a solid strategic plan detailing the steps to take every day.

First, let’s get your social media questions answered..

What should I post on social media?
Half the content you post should lead directly back to your website. This includes sharing your website articles and blog posts.  The other half of the content you share should be articles related to what you do written by non-competitors.

Whom should I connect with on social media?
This list is endless but start with those in your networking groups, power partners, active social media users, other small business owners, you college roommates and a few neighbors should get you started.

Next, how can you build a social media presence in 2015?

I am a big fan of keeping things simple and love ideas expressed in list form which is why I developed Your Social Media Hour.  Here are my best tips to building your social media presence.

  1. Open up an account on Hootsuite – spend one to two hours each week scheduling content.
  2. Retweet 5 times per day.
  3. Write one LinkedIn recommendation each month.
  4. Write one comment on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn each day.
  5. Share the content of influencers and make sure to tag them in your posts.
  6. Always speak to the problems your potential customers/clients have and how you can solve them.

By giving your digital presence a bit of time every day, reach out when you need help, engaging staff and customers appropriately you will start to build out your social media platforms where they are a significant part of your marketing effort.

Most importantly, get this done in 2016 and bring peace of mind to your business. And don’t forget to connect with me on Linkedin and Twitter!