Take a look at your small business’s social media accounts, your Twitter, Facebook, G+, LinkedIn. How do they appear? Does your small business have a coherent online branding? Multiple accounts, logos, and general inconsistencies can make your online presence appear to be a bit of a hot mess. Paying attention to how you appear online can amp up the power of your social media presence.

Now is the time to Fire Up your Social Media Accounts:

  1. One Identity In order to establish your presence you need to have a consistent identity. Use one photograph of yourself and one company logo across all social media outlets.  It helps create an identity people can recognize and relate to online.
  2. Utilize Canva Canva is an easy-to-use online design tool that you can use to create banners to use across all your social media sites. The tool is very straightforward, by using premade templates, text, images, and layouts you can create a banner to place on your Twitter, G+ and Facebook profiles.
  3. Similar But Not Identical While your logos, and images should be identical and easy to recognize, this rule doesn’t apply when it comes to any information on your profiles. Duplicate information can be a killer. Try to include different facts in your bios and descriptions on each social media site.  Keep the tone and voice similar to keep that your personal brand alive, but don’t just copy and paste the same paragraph onto each site.

Following these simple rules can improve your online presence. It shows consistent branding and shows your care about how you appear online. Having a coordinated online identity shows that the brand itself is coordinated.  Keeping your social media coherent and organized will attract more people to your accounts and garner you even more attention online.