Twitter is a great way to share exciting news and information about what your small business is doing. In just a few tweets you can discuss new projects to engage and attract followers and potential clients. However, it can also be used to help your business stay up-to-date with the happenings within your own industry.

But with millions of fellow “tweeters” using Twitter as a tool to get their information out, it can be overwhelming to organize and utilize the site to its full potential. Often tweets you find most important for your business can get lost in your busy feed.

In order to avoid a cluttered and useless feed, Twitter lists can be used to help streamline your business’s Twitter feed to monitor different groupings of the accounts you follow. Lists are designated collections of Twitter users that can be utilized almost like an address book to see certain aspects of your feed.

Who to Put in Lists Utilizing these “groupings” can be invaluable in transforming your feed into an informative and concise stream of tweets. But, this can only occur with the proper organization of lists. It is important to consider what you want to see. Some examples of useful lists are:

  •      Clients. Creating a list of other businesses and professionals who have utilized your business’s services can create a feed for your business to interact and maintain relationships with them. By showing effort and care in customer service and relations, loyalty and satisfaction can be fostered among your business and your clients.
  •      Competitors. By creating a private list, your small business can monitor your top competitors and what their latest tweets are about. It can help you get a feel for how your tweets stack up in comparison and for how other small businesses are going about achieve the same goals as you.
  •      Leaders in the Industry. This not only adds value to your profile as a wealth of information about powerful members within your industry, but also allows interaction with them. Creating a list of renowned industry leaders allows you to engage with ease, and see how they are handling their Twitter and business to help you model and grow your small business even further.
  •      Industry News. Stay ahead of the game and keep your feed updated on news and events within your business’s industry. Following journalists, publications, and bloggers who specialize in your industry can keep your business well informed and involved within the community.
  •      Event Attendees Whether you are planning or attending one, making a list for an event can help create organization and connections before and during the event itself.

Interact within Your Lists Now that you have decided who to put in your lists, it is time to put them to good use. Use lists as another way to interact and engage.  Retweeting and replying to leaders in the industry from the list you have created will make your won profile more valuable and help you connect to the people who are paving new paths in your business’s field. Finding new stories about your industry and retweeting them helps keep your followers updated. It turns your profile into a place where they can find information and allows your influence to grow.

Talk About Your Lists Lists can be a great way to not only gather information for your business, but to share it with your followers. Letting your followers know you have valuable resources can attract more attention on Twitter. It makes your profile a source of information for followers who interested in your business and industry. And informing your list members that they hold a spot can help foster relationships and open up communication.

Just by using this feature your business could obtain thousands more connections. Keeping lists organized and full of relevant accounts is necessary to successfully using Twitter to its full extent. Adding this feature to other Twitter tips and tricks your business has picked up along the way will enhance the benefits the site provides for you. So log in, get organized and start listing!