Where are my clients hanging out on the internet?

When you are thinking about setting up a social media presence, the “where” is of course a bit part of it.  Where to set-up your profiles should be entirely determined by “where” your clients and customers (as well as the potential ones) are hanging out when they are on the internet.  Sometimes this is not particularly easy to determine.  Some experts believe you should say “be everywhere in a unique way.”  That idea is great if you have an endless amount of time to maintain a presence on each.  My recommendation is first set-up the basics:

Facebook:  Yes, despite all the reports from “experts” many individuals are still on Facebook.  However, the way business pages operate has significantly changed.  For instance, just because an individual “likes” your page does not mean they are going to shown all of the wonderful things you post.

LinkedIn:  What was once a site that simply housed your resume, LinkedIn has evolved as the go-to place for professional connections and services.  I have many friends who want nothing to do with Facebook but are on LinkedIn everyday.

Twitter:  If you are attempting to reach young adults, men who like sports, those who are really into celebrities, and retiring individuals, then you should be tweeting on a regular basis.

Google+:   If you are attempting to rank in Google search, then maintaining an active G+ presence is critical.  Your G+ posts can rank in search results.  Add to that there are a number of individuals who are on G+ every day so it is important to share information related to your core business areas.

Remember, your profiles should be set-up with the purpose of attracting your potential customers and clients.  You want to make sure they are well written for each individual platform and are not copied from other bios you have around the internet.

Need help getting set-up and/or started with social media?  Give me a call!

Do not forget, there is also a physical “where” of your business that is very important and can be enhanced by your social media presence:

Google My Business:   This is your phone book listing in the modern world.  Formerly known as G+Local, this is your opportunity to rank in search results and display information in Google maps.

Networking:  If you are promoting a small business or enterprise, you are no doubt joining the networking circuit.  You may join a networking group or attend specific events and conferences.  Take a few minutes after each event and connect with individuals.  The easiest  is to connect with them on LinkedIn.  Do you think they would be a great social partner?  Well then you might want to start following them on Twitter, circle them on G+, and like their Facebook page.