Mom Management

Mom Management

I just dropped my youngest off at a birthday party…on the other side of town…and we had to pick-up gifts on the way.  She had forgotten to pick-up gifts the night before (when she was out with her sister and my credit card) so that was annoying.  But ya...
Cell Phone Bill of Rights

Cell Phone Bill of Rights

Over the last two years our cell phone plan data component has, from time to time, been an issue of great concern.  By great concern, I mean my children have chewed through record breaking amounts of data in short amounts of time causing overage charges.  So the great...
Who Wants a New Iphone 6!!

Who Wants a New Iphone 6!!

This is a warning…many of you will be shocked with this tale.  In fact, for those who know me well, you may sit in disbelief.  Afterall, I do not spoil my children.  They have what they need, there is an occasional treat, but they save for things they want, ride...