by DrJenniferGardella | Apr 30, 2015 | Getting to Me
There are some guys who whisper “I love you” in your ear, look longingly into your eyes and tell you how beautiful you are, and plan romantic get-a-ways where you dress in your Sunday finest and violins serenade you at dinner. Others spend untold amounts...
by DrJenniferGardella | Apr 30, 2015 | Getting to Me
Getting divorced…picking-up a golf club again at 40…selling my home…investing…building my business…making my first estimated quarterly tax payment..he has not been by my side for any of it, and at times I have felt completely alone....
by Jennifer Gardella | Apr 14, 2015 | Getting to Me
Ya know that feeling when something just no longer feels right. While it has been a part of you for quite some time, suddenly, it no longer seems appropriate? Me too. I just ditched my blog NJ Divorce Mom. Now, if you are in the biz of blogging and know my writing,...