Despite being limited to short 140 characters posts, social media can sometimes get lost in the middle of trying to run the rest of your small business. But just because it doesn’t seem as necessary as some other aspects of your business, it is equally as important. Being able to connect online can be a key to untapped clients and business opportunities.  A few quick tips can make posting to Twitter and updating your LinkedIn that much easier.

You need a Deep Understanding of What to Do

One of the quickest ways to make social media less of a chore is to really know and understand the various outlets your small business uses. Being able to navigate, post, and interact on the sites. It makes using them that much easier. You may need to get some help with this part. With so many sites it can be confusing to remember the minute functions of each outlet.  

Book a call with me today so we can start to build your social media strategy.  

Use your Phone

Blitzing social media’s ease of mobility can also find the time anywhere you are to update your social media. For every major social media outlet, there is an app that can be downloaded to your smartphone. Having all the apps readily available makes posting and interacting less of a chore.

Curate Content

Besides putting Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and all your other social media on your phone, another useful app is Pocket. While Pocket is not an app used to publish posts, it can help you organize and decide what to post. Pocket allows users to create a bank of articles, videos, pictures, and links to look at a later time If you’re too busy to send a tweet about an article you read during the day, put it in your Pocket app to send out later. It saves time and helps you to keep your profiles updated.

Use a Scheduling App

Hootsuite and Buffer are two very popular websites (and both have apps) that you can use to schedule your posts in advance.  Many business owners and attorneys like to use them because you can sit down and schedule all of your content in a few hours.  However, be warned – sometimes the integration does break down and you find that posts have not been published or have been published multiple times.   

Social media is fun and adds another dimension to your small business. It shouldn’t be something you feel like you don’t have time for. By taking the initiative to be organized and educated, social media will become second nature to you.