Once you have your accounts set-up and you feel confident using every site, you need to remain active and consistent.  Set up a plan to help you remain on top of your social media accounts. Successful social media accounts find their huge followings by engaging in some sort of activity online every day, maybe even more than once a day.

You can start slow and each day you should try to do each of the following at least once:

  1. Share a post.  Make sure you are posting, sharing, or adding something to your social media accounts every single day. Staying active and posting content is what will draw in the most followers. If you post something on Facebook you can share it to Twitter.  Remember, not all posts should be links back to your website. Make sure to share content from non-competitors who are related to your business.

Not sure what to share?  Book a call with Jen to start building your social media strategy today.  

  1. Respond to comments. Reach out and network with the connections you have established. Try to reply to the comments you get on Facebook and LinkedIn. Answer questions, respond to positive comments and try to connect with your clients and maintain relationships with them.  
  2. Show some interest Interact with as many posts as possible. You can favorite, retweet, like, and reply. Retweet a top news story or reply to an influencer in your industry. Favorite a non-competitors Facebook post. Just continue to show those who follow you and those you want following you that you are keeping up with them.

Properly showcasing your business on social media takes time.  Without a plan and desire to put in real effort your social media accounts will not be successful. Just take a little bit of time each day to make some impact on your followers’ timelines.  It will pay off!