Oh no! You accidently shared your competitors content, you’re losing followers left and right because your posts are all the same and they barely understand what you’re saying anyway. These social media fumbles occur all too frequently. But there are easy solutions that can make your social media mess-ups successes. Just remember that social media is meant to educate, entertain, and inform. By rethinking how you’re running your accounts, you can avoid any future plunders.

Here are some common problems with easy solutions to help you work your way around mistakes.

Problem: Your posts and blogs seem a bit boring. You either share the same old stuff or you do not offer unique perspective. You’re content isn’t interesting or engaging.

Solution: Spice things up! This can be an easy fix. Take your ideas for any future posts and try to put your own spin on them. Offer up a new perspective with a personal, business related anecdote, or a way your small business can offer solutions to common problems in your field.

Problem: You use fancy words. More than likely your ideal client is not an expert and does not even know why they need you. Talking to them with industry speak is going to lose them.

Solution: Water things down. You want people to understand what you’re talking about so they are inclined to reach out to you.  Simplify what you are trying to say, and break it down into basic terms.

Problem: You only share your own content- you look like an advertisement.

Solution: Mix up your content. Try to keep half of your content coming from other sources. Share from non-competitors, industry leaders, and top news stories related to your business areas. Not only will this make you’re profiles more interesting, but make you a credible and reliable source in your industry.

Problem: You are not consistent with your posts.

Solution: Have a plan! Make a schedule, plan your posts, and write ahead of time. If you have a plan, you will be able to keep up a consistent posting schedule which will get your content noticed and draw in more followers.

Problem:  You share the same thing on all social media channels in a day.

Solution:  If you really want to reuse content, spread it out. It is a great idea to have unique content on each site, but this can be cumbersome.  Having a plan on what to share when on social media is actually quite easy to put into place.  If you have a great article, share it on LinkedIn on Tuesday then Facebookbook the following week.  

If your social media program and/or strategy are not working to help you build your business and reach your ideal clients, book a call with me. We can talk about what is and is not working and plan best steps to get you moving forward.