Divorce attorney marketing is one of the most competitive on the internet and requires a strategy to look very professional but also caring about individual family circumstances.  Your potential clients want to make sure you can fight for their future, children, and rights but also with a compassion for their emotional swings.

Hashtags on Twitter, Instagram and now LinkedIn can ensure you are part of the important conversations and those looking for your info will get to see it.  

How do you use hashtags:

Twitter:   Connect with Jen on Twitter @DrJennyLynn

With 280 characters allowed per tweet you have some freedom now in the number of hashtags you can use.  I suggest using hashtags where they belong within the context of a tweet and then a few at the end. As an example:

Wondering how you are going to get through your #divorce?  The key is to build a support system. Read here how one mom started to build her divorce life taking care of herself and her #children.  #therapy #friendship https://goo.gl/Zx9NiN

(URL shortened here:  https://goo.gl/)

Instagram: Connect with Jen on Instagram @DrJennyLynn

Instagram is picture driven, which means to have a presence you need pictures to post.  You can share links to your website but your picture (and any text on it) are what is going to grab attention.  LinkedIn posts can be long and short and it is the hashtags that are critical. When you post on LinkedIn use hashtags in your posts but also make sure to have a standard list of 5-10 at the end of your post as well.  

LinkedIn:  Connect with Jen on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifergardella/  

The ability to use hashtags in LinkedIn posts started about a year ago.  Since LinkedIn is a professional platform put a few hashtags at the end of your post that relate directly to what you do.  

What Hashtags Should you be using?  

Your hashtags should be based on your keyword strategy.  Now, I know what you may be thinking – “wait, what keyword strategy?”  When you designed your law firm website your content writer or designer should have done a thorough keyword strategy with you.  Don’t worry, if they did not, I can help you out.

The hashtags you use should be a mix of business areas, conversational topics and geolocators. Here are few to get you thinking.  

Core business Areas:

Conversational Topics:
#singlemom (or dad)

Geolocators for where you practice:

Some of you may think that #familylawyer or #familylaw is a good idea.   In my experience, prospects who need a family lawyer are either focusing on #divorce or the specific area #prenup or even #adoption with attorney or lawyer after it.  Your average potential client has no idea that you are even called a family lawyer.

As I previously mentioned, the process of using hashtags should be closely linked to your keyword strategy, the core areas of business, and most importantly your plan to reach your ideal client.