I Write Your Posts

I Write Your Posts

Imagine if you opened your email this Friday morning and found this email from me:

Good morning – this is Jen, your social media consultant.  Attached are your posts for next week!  

And attached to the email was a list, by day, for Monday – Friday of everything you should post to your social media accounts.  The list included clever and engaging wording including hashtags, tags people and other businesses and includes links to great content for you to share.

Many small business owners are eager to get started building a social media footprint for their business.  But with so many other pieces of their business to run, they do not have time to actually write their posts.  They need assistance finding great content to share and making sure posts are written in the most effective way.

If this sounds like a problem you are currently experiencing, I can help by writing the posts for you.  We can work together on a strategic social media plan and then once a week I send you a listing of posts based on your plan.  The posts will be sent in a simple grid.  All you will need to do is post them.  You have everything you need so your time on social media is spent interacting and not creating.  As my client, all the work will be done for you in your voice centered around your business.

Every client I work with has an individual plan.  Some want more tweets than G+ posts.  Others are interested in more Facebook posts.  A few only want to be communicating on LinkedIn.  I tailor my work for you based on your business, social media goals, and budget.

My work for you is exclusive which means during our time together I will not work for any of your competitors.  Additionally you own the content that I write which means I will not share it with any other clients.  It is authentically created just for you.