The personal blog of Dr. Jennifer Gardella

Domestic Violence Awarness

Surviving, Healing and Thriving

Fuel, Lens, Anchor

Fuel, Lens, Anchor

This is a post that belongs in all categories of this blog and my life.  I recently had the honor and good fortune of working with Sue Guiher  of Thrive for Success.   In just one hour she helped me make sense of some very confusing parts of my life.  Before I knew I...

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The Independent Chick Let’s Go…

The Independent Chick Let’s Go…

It was my first trip from TG's home down to Philly...I was going in to start renting office space in the city.  The plan was simple - he was going to drop me at the train station right near his office and pick me up from at the station on his way home.  Simply and...

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Moving in…step by step

Moving in…step by step

So I've started moving a few things into TG's home.  I'm not overwhelmed by the prospect of moving...what?  You would be?  How hard can it be to clear out a home you have owned for 15 years, sell all the furniture and treasures, pack up yourself and 3 teenage...

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