The personal blog of Dr. Jennifer Gardella

Domestic Violence Awarness

Surviving, Healing and Thriving

A Year Ago Today

A Year Ago Today

As I wake up this Easter, April 4, 2021, I sit in wonder of my life.  Part, "how did this happen," and part "this is amazing."  For those who do not know, on this day, one year ago, I left a marriage that was not working - a blended family that was a pot of boiling...

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A Year Ago Today

A Year Ago Today

As I wake up this Easter, April 4, 2021, I sit in wonder of my life.  Part, "how did this happen," and part "this is amazing."  For those who do not know, on this day, one year ago, I left a marriage that was not working - a blended family that was a pot of boiling...

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After Divorce:  Is it Possible to Love Again

After Divorce: Is it Possible to Love Again

Finding Love.... I have done the work...danced with the demons...been brought to my knees for days on end as I allowed myself to feel emotional pain.  I have rebuilt my friendships, my relationships with my children, my business and the inner workings of me.  My...

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