by Jennifer Gardella | Jan 16, 2018 | When the Other Parent Dies
As many know, one of my children needed a group of peers whose members had also lost a parent. And to get her the type of support she needed we found our way to Safe Harbor. Honestly, not even I, the great wordsmith could do it justice in a sentence – so I...
by Jennifer Gardella | Jan 14, 2018 | Parenting, When the Other Parent Dies
As many of you know, on July 1, 2017 we lost my ex-husband John Wengler after his 81 day battle with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer. At the end of his life I started thinking of how we were all going to move forward and was a bit overwhelmed realizing my responsibility in...
by Jennifer Gardella | Nov 28, 2017 | Parenting, When the Other Parent Dies
Let’s face it, these last few months have been rough…in fact, since April 12th I have been living under a blanket of fear and sadness. Fear he would die, fear of what a recovery could be like, fear of my life changing, fear of you and all you would go...
by Jennifer Gardella | Oct 27, 2017 | Parenting, When the Other Parent Dies
The first birthday after a parent dies. I was told the day was going to suck …and that this day in future years will always suck. I prepared myself mentally which means I braced for tears…mine and theirs as well. The oldest has come home to be with us...
by Jennifer Gardella | May 28, 2017 | Parenting, When the Other Parent Dies
On April 12, 2017 while attending a conference in Philadelphia I received a text from my ex-husband. I knew he was also down in Philadelphia, his trip was to visit a surgeon at Penn hospital to remove a growing bump on his neck. “I have anaplastic thyroid...