Writing a Good Blog Post

Writing a Great Blog Post

What is a blog post?  A blog post is approximately 500 words tightly focused around one very specific topic related to your core business.

All small business owners should be blogging at least once a week. Blog posts are great way to pass along valuable information to your clients and customers. Posts can be a bit informal so you can really allow your personality to shine through, position yourself as an expert and connect with clients and customers as real person.
When written correctly, your posts can rank in google search for when individuals are searching for your goods and services.
Many of my clients have expressed great apprehension about blogging. It is quite easy. Set aside one hour and you’ll be done.

1.  Select a Topic:

There are many ways to find great topics to blog about. I’ve included a list in a separate article you can access by clicking here.

2.  Title:Your title should be short and reas like a newspaper headline:  Do not pack with keywords (What’s a keyword you ask? – click here).  Never keyword stuff your title and never seem to obvious.

3.  Outline the post

Strong opening paragraph introducing your topic.  The first 250 words are indexed by Google so you will want to make sure you get across your main points and naturally use your keywords.

Include your main keyword once (What’s a keyword?) and any of your keywords that didn’t fit into your title.

If you have a local company or your geographical location is important, work that in as well.

Connect your topic to your reader: “you may be experiencing;”  “we have helped many clients with…”  “our customers love….”

4.  Write two to three supporting paragraphs

Write each paragraph around a sub-question or smaller part of the overall issue.

Offer three pieces of practical advice

Brief ways a product can help

Tell the parts of a success story: problem; options; resolution

5.  Closing paragraph

Summary statement: relate back to the client/customer
“I have helped many customers dealing with this issue.”
“This Saturday we are holding a workshop on this very issue.”
“I’m happy to come over and evaluate your home.”

Include a call to action – don’t make the sales pitch too obvious – Google isn’t a fan of that  jargon
“Come in for a free consultation so we can discuss a solution that fits your personal circumstances.”
“Call me today if you have further questions.
“If you would like more information about XXX, please visit our office.”

Go back through your post and link to a credible outside source and once to a previous article or blog post you have written.  When linking to outside sites always make sure that the link will open in a separate window.  You don’t want a reader to be taken away from your site or blog.

Pictures – there are two schools of thought on using graphics in blog posts.  If you have a busy blog, I don’t recommend them.  If your blog design is simplistic, then a picture related to the topic can be helpful.

Now, shout it out on Social Media!!


  • Your tweet can only be 140 characters.
  • Hashtag
  • Google URL shortener: http://goo.gl/

Write a short but keyword rich introduction.

Google+ (G+)
Sharing your content on G+ gives you the ability to have the post rank independently of the content itself. When you post your content, make sure to include a keyword rich description directly related to the post that will entice readers to click through to the blog. Don’t forget the hastags!

Post your new blogpost on your Facebook account.  Include a short description (show some personality to engage readers) and don’t forget the #hashtags.