If you are setting up a business in Bucks County, PA, there is a significant amount of behind-the-scenes work that needs to be done. One of your first stops on the business set-up list should be a meeting with a business attorney. Being properly set-up wtih legal documents in place is critical.
Marshall Davis is an business attorney in Bucks County, PA with Powell Trachtman. He helps businesses and non-profits of all sizes set-up legal agreements and protections. When he works with you, your current business, or your start-up you are educated in options and walked through the paperwork with the goal of you understanding. While he likes to help you properly set-up, he is also available to help you untangle your do-it-yourself mess.
Marshall was instrumental to me in explaining several aspects of my business when I moved to the Bucks County area. Of particular interest were the concepts of “piercing the corporate veil” and fictitious names.
During his recent presentation Marshall explained that all small business owners want to know how long it takes to get set-up with a business. Marshall moves with you as quickly as you need to within reason. He can get you a tax id number and start the entity formation process immediately – set-up may take only a day.
So, if you are starting a business, selling a business, or working out agreements with a supplier and other contracts within your business you should contact him to see if he will be a good fit. As a side note Marshall also claims to have a 100% success rate in helping you reduce your tax assessment.
Always important when you are working with an attorney is to really understand their background and education (and lawyers LOVE to talk about their education) – Licensed to practice in Pennsylvania and New Jersey Marshall is lifelong resident of Bucks County, PA, Marshall has completed enough education to make this PhD shutter with memories. He completed his undergraduate work at the University of Florida and then attended Temple University in Philadelphia for a JD, LLM (in tax), and MBA.
As always I always walk away from this meeting with a tidbit of inspiration: You will find the key to success under the alarm clock…Benjamin Franklin – thank you Lisa Fry of Core Financial for the wake-up call – this early bird will get the worm.